- 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소 5개 사업단에는 의과대학, 치과대학, 간호대학, 보건대학원 교원이 상임연구원, 전문연구원으로 참여하고 있습니다.
해당 연구자를 클릭하시면 연세대학교 교원정보(fis.yonsei.ac.kr)로 연결됩니다.
연구원 구분 | 이름 | 소속 | 세부소속 | FIS |
단장Leader | 김경원Kyung Won Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 소아과학교실Department of Pediatrics | 바로가기 |
부단장Vice Leader | 이호규Hokyou Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | 바로가기 |
부단장Vice Leader | 홍남기Namki Hong | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(내분비내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 강영애Young Ae Kang | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 강희택Hee Taik Kang | 의과대학College of Medicine | 가정의학교실Department of Family Medicine | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김수Sue KIM | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김어수Eosu Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김정민Jeongmin Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 마취통증의학교실Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김준영Jun-Young Kim | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 구강악안면외과학교실Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김진권Jinkwon Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 신경과학교실Department of Neurology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김현창Hyeon Chang Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김현철Hyuncheol Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김호진HoJin Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박원서Won Se Park | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 통합치의학과Department of Advanced General Dentistry | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박유랑Yurang Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박정탁Jung Tak Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(신장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 변화경HWA KYUNG BYUN | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 빈진혁Jinhyuk Bhin | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 송재우Jaewoo Song | 의과대학College of Medicine | 진단검사의학과Department of Laboratory Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 신상준Sang Joon Shin | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(종양내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 심효섭Hyo Sup Shim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 병리학교실Department of Pathology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 유승찬Seng Chan You | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 유희태Hee Tae Yu | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(심장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 윤덕용Dukyong Yoon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 윤진하Jin Ha Yoon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이용호Yong Ho Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(내분비내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이유미YUMIE RHEE | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(내분비내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이지연Jiyeon Lee | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 장혁재HYUK-JAE CHANG | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(심장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정민선Minsun Jung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 병리학교실Department of Pathology | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정보영Joung Boyoung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정선재Sun Jae Jung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정회인Hoi In Jung | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 예방치과학교실Department of Preventive Dentistry and Public Oral Health | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 주영수Young Su Joo | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(신장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 차재국Jae Kook CHA | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 치주과학교실Department of Periodontology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 차정열Jung Yul Cha | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 교정과학교실Department of Orthodontics | 바로가기 |
전문연구원Researcher | 곽지용Jiyong Kwak | 의과대학College of Medicine | 안과Department of Ophthalmology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 권오석Oh-Seok Kwon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 뇌심혈관질환연구센터Severance Integrative Research Institute for Crervral & Cardiovascular Diseases | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김선지Seonji Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김정호Jung Ho Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(감염내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김창환Changhwan Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 박미정Mijeong Park | 보건대학원Graduate School of Public Health | - | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 박상준Sangjoon Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 박승교Seungkyo Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(통합내과) Department of Internal Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 박철호Cheol Ho Park | 세브란스Severance Hospital | 신장내과Nephrology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 신나영Na-Young Shin | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학과Department of Radiology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 양은정Eun-Jung Yang | 세브란스병원Severance Hospital | 성형외과Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 바로가기 |
전문연구원Researcher | 윤병윤Byung Yoon Yun | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 윤서연Yoon Seo Yeon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 재활의학교실Department of Rehabilitation Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 윤현경Hanna Yoo | 의과대학College of Medicine | 응급의학교실Department of Emergency Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 이혁희Hyeokhee Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 전국진Kug Jin Jeon | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 영상치의학과Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 허가영gayoung Heo | 세브란스Severance Hospital | 신장내과Nephrology | - |
객원연구원Visiting Researcher | 이소연So-Yeon Lee | 파이디지털헬스케어PHI Digital Healthcare inc. | - | - |
박사연구원Postdoctoral Researcher | 이아리ARi Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
박사연구원Postdoctoral Researcher | 채화성Hwa Sung Chae | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
박사연구원Postdoctoral Researcher | 허석재Seok-Jae Heo | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
박사연구원Postdoctoral Researcher | 전주은Jooeun Jeon | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 김유정Yujeong Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 최동희Donghee Choi | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 김은진EUNJIN KIM | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 서정철Jung Chul Seo | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 김건형Gun Hyoung Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 김동원Dong Won Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 조영창YeongChang Jo | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 최지혜Jihye Choi | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 김수빈Subin Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 김승일Seung-il Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 박이주Yiju Park | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 엄수정Sujeong Eom | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 전규리Kyulee Jeon | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 김정희Jung Heui Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 윤진우Jinwoo Yoon | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 고창준Chang Jun Ko | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 이수민Sumin Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
연구원 구분 | 이름 | 소속 | 세부소속 | FIS |
단장Leader | 김성준Sungjun Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학교실Department of Radiology | 바로가기 |
부단장Principal Researcher | 차정열Jung Yul Cha | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 교정과학교실Department of Orthodontics | 바로가기 |
부단장Vice Leader | 이형진Hyungjin Rhee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학교실Department of Radiology | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 강영애Young Ae Kang | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 강희택Hee Taik Kang | 의과대학College of Medicine | 가정의학교실Department of Family Medicine | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김수Sue KIM | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김어수Eosu Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김용배YONG BAE KIM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김정민Jeongmin Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 마취통증의학교실Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김준영Jun-Young Kim | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 구강악안면외과학교실Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김진성JIn Sung Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김한상Han Sang Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(종양내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김호진HoJin Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박정탁Jung Tak Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(신장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박해정HAE JEONG PARK | 의과대학College of Medicine | 핵의학교실Department of Nuclear Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박형석Hyung Seok Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 외과학교실(유방외과)Department of Surgery | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 변화경HWA KYUNG BYUN | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 소사라Sarah Soh | 의과대학College of Medicine | 마취통증의학교실Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 송재우Jaewoo Song | 의과대학College of Medicine | 진단검사의학과Department of Laboratory Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 신상준Sang Joon Shin | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(종양내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 오의금Eui Geum Oh | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 윤미진Mijin Yun | 의과대학College of Medicine | 핵의학교실Department of Nuclear Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 윤진하Jin Ha Yoon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이영한Young Han Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학교실Department of Radiology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이용호Yong Ho Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(내분비내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이일학Il Hak Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 인문사회의학교실Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이재현Jae-Hyun Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(알레르기내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이지원Ji Won Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 가정의학교실Department of Family Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이채나Chena Lee | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 영상치의학과Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이향규Hyangkyu Lee | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 임준석JOON SEOK LIM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학교실Department of Radiology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 장혁재HYUK-JAE CHANG | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(심장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정경수Kyungsoo Chung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(호흡기내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정대철Dae Chul Jung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학교실Department of Radiology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정문재Moon Jae Chung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(소화기내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정민선Minsun Jung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 병리학교실Department of Pathology | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정보영Joung Boyoung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정용은Yong Eun Chung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학교실Department of Radiology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정재호Jae Ho Cheong | 의과대학College of Medicine | 외과학교실(위암센터)Department of Surgery | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 조남훈NAM HOON CHO | 의과대학College of Medicine | 병리학교실Department of Pathology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 주영수Young Su Joo | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(신장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 최지연JiYeon Choi | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 추상희SangHui Chu | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 한경화KYUNGHWA HAN | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학교실Department of Radiology | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 한상선SANG SUN HAN | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 영상치의학과Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 한상훈SANG HOON HAN | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(감염내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
상임연구원Vice Leader | 홍남기Namki Hong | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(내분비내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김동욱DONG WOOK KIM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김병훈Byung Hoon Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김지훈Ji hoon Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 응급의학교실Department of Emergency Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김창환Changhwan Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김형우HYUNGWOO KIM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(신장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김휘영Hwiyoung Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 신경외과학교실Department of Neurosurgery | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 박미정Mijeong Park | 보건대학원Graduate School of Public Health | - | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 박상준Sangjoon Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 박승교Seungkyo Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(통합내과) Department of Internal Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 박연정Youn Jung Park | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 구강내과Department of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 양은정Eun-Jung Yang | 세브란스병원Severance Hospital | 성형외과Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 윤서연Yoon Seo Yeon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 재활의학교실Department of Rehabilitation Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 윤해룡Hae Ryong Yun | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(신장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 은호선Ho Seon Eun | 의과대학College of Medicine | 소아과학교실Department of Pediatrics | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 이찬주Chan Joo Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(심장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 전국진Kug Jin Jeon | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 영상치의학과Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 전세운Seun Jeon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 뇌연구소Brain Research Institute | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 최아롬Arom Choi | 의과대학College of Medicine | 응급의학교실Department of Emergency Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 한민철Mincheol Han | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 한현호Hyun Ho Han | 의과대학College of Medicine | 비뇨의학교실Department of Urology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 허가영gayoung Heo | 세브란스Severance Hospital | 신장내과Nephrology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 홍채선Chae-Seon Hong | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
박사연구원Postdoctoral Researcher | 조상욱Sang Wouk Cho | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 임이랑Li Rang Lim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 한수경Sookyeong Han | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 강찬미Chan Mi Kang | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 김채현Chaehyeon Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 송혜림Hye Rim Song | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 이민영Min Young Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 이산이San Lee Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 이현주Hyunju Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 임지희Ji Hee Lim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 정현도Hyun Do Jung | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 차여진Yeojin Cha | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
스마트 헬스케어
연구원 구분 | 이름 | 소속 | 세부소속 | FIS |
단장Leader | 권자영Ja Young Kwon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 산부인과학교실Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 바로가기 |
부단장Vice Leader | 윤덕용Dukyong Yoon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | 바로가기 |
부단장Vice Leader | 정윤빈Yoon Bin Jung | 세브란스병원Severance Hospital | 일반외과General Surgery | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 강바다Bada Kang | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 금웅섭WOONG SUB KOOM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김경민Kyung Min Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 신경과학교실Department of Neurology | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김용배YONG BAE KIM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김용욱YONG WOOK KIM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 재활의학교실Department of Rehabilitation Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김은주Eun Joo Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김희정Hee Jung Kim | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박원서Won Se Park | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 통합치의학과Department of Advanced General Dentistry | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박진영Jin Young Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박형석Hyung Seok Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 외과학교실(유방외과)Department of Surgery | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이안나Anna Lee | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이영한Young Han Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학교실Department of Radiology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이유미YUMIE RHEE | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(내분비내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이지원Ji Won Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 가정의학교실Department of Family Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이현경Hyeonkyeong Lee | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 장연수Yeon Soo Jang | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정경수Kyungsoo Chung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(호흡기내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정재호Jae Ho Cheong | 의과대학College of Medicine | 외과학교실(위암센터)Department of Surgery | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 차정열Jung Yul Cha | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 교정과학교실Department of Orthodontics | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 최은경EUN KYOUNG CHOI | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
전문연구원Researcher | 권하얀Ha Yan Kwon | 의과대학College of Medicine | 산부인과학교실Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김광준Kwang Joon Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(노년내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김수정Soo Jeong Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 혈액종양내과Hematology & Oncology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 윤현경Hanna Yoo | 의과대학College of Medicine | 응급의학교실Department of Emergency Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 은호선Ho Seon Eun | 의과대학College of Medicine | 소아과학교실Department of Pediatrics | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 정서연Seo Yeon Jung | 치과대학College of Dentistry | 치의학교실Department of Dental Education | - |
박사연구원Postdoctoral Researcher | 이지섭Jiseop Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
박사연구원Postdoctoral Researcher | 최이슬Yiseul Choi | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 김동원Dong Won Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 김유정Yujeong Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 이지수Jisu Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 임이랑Li Rang Lim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 권현아Hyun Ah Kwon | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 김채현Chaehyeon Kim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 이산이San Lee Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 임지희Ji Hee Lim | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 정현주Hyunjoo Jeong | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
디지털 치료기기
연구원 구분 | 이름 | 소속 | 세부소속 | FIS |
단장Leader | - | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | 바로가기 |
부단장Vice Leader | 신재용Jae Yong Shin | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | 바로가기 |
부단장Vice Leader | 오주영Jooyoung Oh | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 강바다Bada Kang | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김용욱YONG WOOK KIM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 재활의학교실Department of Rehabilitation Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김우정Woo Jung Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김은주Eun Joo Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | - |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김창오CHANG OH KIM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 김향희HyangHee Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 재활의학교실Department of Rehabilitation Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박영목Youngmok Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(호흡기내과)Department of Internal Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박유랑Yurang Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 박진영Jin Young Park | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 서석교SEOK KYO SEO | 의과대학College of Medicine | 산부인과학교실Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 석정호Jeong-Ho Seok | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이은Eun Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 정신과학교실Department of Psychiatry | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이일학Il Hak Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 인문사회의학교실Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 이지연Jiyeon Lee | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정선재 Sun Jae Jung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 정용은Yong Eun Chung | 의과대학College of Medicine | 영상의학교실Department of Radiology | 바로가기 |
상임연구원Principal Researcher | 추상희SangHui Chu | 간호대학College of Nursing | 간호학과Department of Nursing | 바로가기 |
전문연구원Researcher | 곽지용Jiyong Kwak | 의과대학College of Medicine | 안과Department of Ophthalmology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김동욱DONG WOOK KIM | 의과대학College of Medicine | 방사선종양학교실Department of Radiation Oncology | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김병훈Byung Hoon Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 김정현Jung Hyun Kim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 심지선Jee Seon Shim | 의과대학College of Medicine | 예방의학교실Department of Preventive Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 이찬주Chan Joo Lee | 의과대학College of Medicine | 내과학교실(심장내과)Department of Internal Medicine | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 장지은Jieun Jang | 보건대학원Graduate School of Public Health | - | - |
박사연구원Postdoctoral Researcher | 최민지Mingee Choi | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
석사연구원Postmaster Researcher | 이준복Junbok Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 이민영Min Young Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
보조연구원Researcher Associate | 정지민Jimin Chung | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
디지털헬스케어혁신 TF 사업단
연구원 구분 | 이름 | 소속 | 세부소속 | FIS |
단장Leader | 유승찬Seng Chan You | 의과대학College of Medicine | 의생명시스템정보학교실Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics | 바로가기 |
전문연구원Researcher | 신서정Seojeong Shin | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |
전문연구원Researcher | 이성원Seongwon Lee | 디지털헬스케어혁신연구소Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare | - | - |